Construct and Rebuild the Utility Management of a Smart Urban Area
Published on : Tuesday 30-11--0001
A smart urban area is similar to that of a city which has the extremely effiecient infrastructure and development. The phases of infrastructural development are factual causality to the proportional combination of the government with its subjects. Not only the government but also the immediate willingness to bring change to a current situation can also be connected with this concept. A smart urban area comprises of a high level of growth mixed with economic development. Infrastructure like bridges, roads, business related buildings and railways are parallel to economic development. Hence we can say that such organizational facilities are directly proportional to a smart city.
The means of public utility which is termed as the serving of gas, electricity and proper drainage system to the city for the safeguarding of the residents and their requirements is depending upon the government and the people residing there along with their enthusiasm to promote expansion and resources to improve existing ambiguity. To promote expansion and growth, urban developers need to chalk out a planning device which can encourage and uphold the economic infrastructure which will, in turn, promote more development. A smart urban area’s progress will mark the trade and industry development and further the path to advancement.
Utilities Management Services
Utilities management, in particular, comprises of the administration of the utilities provided by the city for its dwellers. Utilities, mentioned above, are gas, electricity, profit related infrastructure for business, railways, and proper drainage system. Often, the main focus of a smart urban area is to retain a sustainable development which is a good economic practice. Certain measures are taken by utility manager to look out for the services provided by the government or the municipality. Services comprise of various energy and power sources, telecommunications and water services also including wastewater services. Such services often collaborate with many organisations and local run business enterprises so that they can look upon matters more closely than the municipality or government because they tend to overlook potential grave matters which may seem trivial at preliminary stages.
Administering or Supervising the operational work and maintenance programs for services like water treatment and wastewater collection needs to ensure maximum utilisation of occupation with the timely allocation of resources. Driven by support activities like meetings with government officials and health organization authorities, which are lodged in as records and following certain federal and state guidelines, this initiative is backed by financial support by the state. As far as utility management is concerned, the budget, equipment, and apparatus required for operational purposes are covered by the larger organization such as that of the government. Certain policies need to be recreated for better access to energy sources and better water connections. Federal agencies depend on the reports created during the utility management for yearly reports and data collection for the purpose of improving the present scenario. Various associations group together to structure a better standard of living for the residents whose responsibility ultimately befalls upon the utility manager. Such organizations can function properly with external supervision. Water treatment plants are needed to be managed by such an authority that can be feared and apprehended as an unbiased individual. Waste water treatment is a sign of a smart urban area production. It resolves to sustainable development, and hence such steps are taken to ensure a standard progress with a touch of humanity.
A process of smart utilities faces many challenges mentioned below.
- The increase in population: a steady increase in population results in decreasing of the supplies provided by the government. Utility management requires an undivided attention towards all the challenges and problems faced by modern society. The decrease in such supplies may result in a deficiency of water. During such times of adversity, the true character of the utility management team is put to the test. They need to coordinate and synchronize and divide labour among each team members to prioritize water usage and handling.
- External predicament: oil drilling companies use a process called the fracking method for drilling of oil. Such off shore and on shore drilling of natural gas and oil, where the fracking method is applied, affects the quality and quantity of the water. Such situations create a nuisance for the state and the residents. This is where most such organisations feel the need for an efficient public manager.
- The act of God: the most unfortunate natural disasters can dismantle an entire city in seconds. Such situations are deemed as national emergencies which can create large scale adversities such as drought, scarcity of potable water, scarcity of life savings drugs and so on. During such times, the utility management team improvises to cope up with the tragedy and create sources for improvement. They often contact with other organizations alongside government for the external help and assistance.
A smart urban area comprises of utility management team which will systematically assist the city. Hence the utility management also encompasses a series of steps which help a smart city run smoothly. The various functions mentioned above may not be true to in certain cases. Utility management is easy in a theoretical sense, but practically, it is difficult and tricky. For instance, the treatment of sewage system needs to be managed by the utility managers, but they need the support of the budgetary and financial plans of the state. Even when they are efficient and competent in the smart urban areas, they fail to perform accurately. Such maladministration requires efficient superiors. Only then will the energy sources, water treatment facilities be utilised in the most resourceful manner.
Awareness and a realization are required because people need to understand the importance of and urgent need for smart utility management under the current environmental and economic conditions. Smart urban areas are practically developing widely due to economic enlargement. The proviso of sustainability is also essential for our future generations to survive the war of crisis of energy. Technological improvement can bring upon assured relief to the conventional form of energy resources. Over use of the energy is depleting the energy reserve and as a responsible citizen, it should be obligatory for us to make sustainable development an enforcement. The government must create certain policies which will make it a compulsion for the energy users to take responsibility and accountability.